First of Its Kind: Mosque Closes Its Doors to Worshipers
Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:36

“Lebanon Debate”

In a rare occurrence, the Umm al-Mu'minin Khadija Mosque in Tripoli unexpectedly closed its doors to worshippers on Thursday.

According to "Lebanon Debate," the Khadija Mosque in the Abou Samra area of Tripoli shut its doors during the noon and afternoon prayers on Thursday.

The closure was implemented to prevent any issues during a lecture scheduled in the mosque's hall. The lecture, titled "Reading the Book of Rules of Beliefs of Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali," was to be delivered by Sheikh A.H.K. A dispute among the mosque's administration arose, with some members supporting the Sheikh's visit and others opposing it. To avoid any potential conflict or disruption, the mosque was closed.

The mosque resumed normal operations on Thursday evening, reopening in time for the Maghrib and Isha prayers. 

!سابقة من نوعها... مسجد يقفل أبوابه أمام المصلّين
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