Earthquake Repercussions
Wed 14 Aug 2024 - 15:30

Following the powerful earthquake that struck Syria, the Lebanese Real Estate Authority has warned of the risk of collapse for at least 16,000 buildings in Lebanon. This number does not include those damaged by the Beirut port explosion, the buildings in Tripoli affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey on February 6, 2023, or structures further damaged by the conflict in the southern regions.

Amid the growing risk of building collapses, especially in older structures, a balcony from a building in the old Saraya district of Tripoli collapsed. Fortunately, no one was injured. The area is heavily populated, and the infrastructure is insufficient for its residents' needs.

It is believed that the balcony collapse was exacerbated by structural damage from the recent earthquake in Syria that was also felt in Lebanon.

Reports suggest that today's balcony collapse in Tripoli may not be an isolated incident, with the highest risks for building collapses found in Beirut, the northern region, and Tripoli.
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