Nighttime Violence Raises Concerns Among Residents
Tue 13 Aug 2024 - 16:08

“Lebanon Debate”

Recent security incidents, including frequent nighttime shootings, have raised alarm among the residents of the Bakrsouna-Naba' al-Qassam area in the Denniyeh district.

Last night, a dispute between several young men in Bakrsouna escalated into gunfire. According to reports, a conflict between the "T.B." and "F" families intensified when an individual identified as "A.A.F." fired shots at "S.T.B.", injuring him in the back and legs.

The altercation resulted in the destruction of a café and a car near the scene. The "F" family later retaliated with gunfire early this morning. The conflict is reportedly linked to ongoing provocations between the two families.

Additionally, another incident occurred in the town of Assoun - Denniyeh, involving the "Y" family. A family dispute led to a physical altercation, resulting in one man being injured and taken to the hospital, where his condition is reported to be stable.

!تتكرّر ليلًا"... حوادث تُقلق أهالي هذه المنطقة"
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