Bullets Miss Target: Cleric Miraculously Survives
Tue 13 Aug 2024 - 11:37

“Lebanon Debate”

An unprecedented lapse in security has been observed in the northern regions, particularly in Tripoli and its surrounding areas, with the recent incident involving Sheikh A.B. serving as a prime example.

According to Lebanon Debate, unknown assailants on a motorcycle fired a weapon at the muezzin of the Mahmoud Bek Mosque in the Haret Al-Barraniya area of Tripoli. Miraculously, the Sheikh was unharmed, thanks to what is being described as divine intervention.

The shooting occurred early in the morning as the Sheikh was on his way to dawn prayers. The bullets struck the gate of the building where he resides just as he was leaving.

Following the incident, the Sheikh filed a complaint with the security services, who promptly responded to the scene. An investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances of the shooting, track down the perpetrators, and bring them to justice.

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