Breathtaking Moments: Miraculous Escape from Death
Mon 12 Aug 2024 - 15:34

Four people miraculously survived a near-certain death when a speeding car lost control and crashed into a shop where they were sitting in Istanbul.

A video captured the breath-taking moments as the speeding car smashed into the shop, slamming into a wall violently and causing the occupants to fall under the vehicle. Fortunately, the car did not flip over them, allowing them to remain alive.

Surveillance footage from inside the store shows the four individuals moving after the accident, with one checking on the others who were next to him, while people in the area rushed to assist them.

The incident occurred in the Küçük Yalı neighborhood on Çamlıca Street when a woman attempting to maneuver her car into a narrow side street failed and ended up driving into the store, according to a local report.

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