Facebook Post Sparks Chaos
Mon 12 Aug 2024 - 14:38

“Lebanon Debate”

Amid the ongoing security challenges in the country, particularly in the northern regions, Lebanon Debate has learned that the streets of the Qebba area were the scene of shooting incidents last night, causing widespread panic and confusion among residents.

According to details, "A.S." and a group of young men roamed the streets and the dome area on their motorcycles, firing indiscriminately at the home of "A.Q." This prompted a defensive response from A.Q., who shot back at them, leading to a brief exchange of fire before the assailants fled.

The disturbance was triggered by a Facebook post published by A.Q., which angered A.S., especially due to the numerous comments accompanying the post. This led A.S. to confront A.Q. in a manner reminiscent of mafia-style retaliation.

Security forces have arrived at the scene and launched an investigation to determine the circumstances of the incident. They are currently working to track down the shooters for arrest and interrogation.

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