No Trace of Mustafa
Sat 10 Aug 2024 - 12:18

"Lebanon Debate"

20-year-old Mustafa Ahmad Al-Ahmad went missing yesterday afternoon, Friday, and has yet to be found.

According to "Lebanon Debate" sources, Mustafa left his home around midday on Friday and went to a mosque in the Al-Fawar area of Zgharta district to attend the Friday prayer and has not returned since.

Reports confirm that Mustafa has no known disputes with anyone in the area.

Authorities have been notified and are investigating the circumstances of his disappearance. They are reviewing surveillance footage from the surrounding area to gather any information that might help in locating him.

His family is urging anyone who has seen Mustafa or has information about his whereabouts to call 03/226731.

They hope to receive any details that could assist in finding him and ensuring his safe return.

24 ساعة على إختفاء مصطفى... هل من يعرف عنه شيئًا؟
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