Not the First Time: Chamoun's Discontent with Aggression
Fri 09 Aug 2024 - 14:32

“Lebanon Debate”

"Lebanon Debate" has reported that MP Camille Chamoun is expected to announce his withdrawal from the Strong Republic bloc in the coming days. This move is reportedly due to ongoing harassment from the Lebanese Forces since his election and efforts to marginalize his role and undermine him personally.

The report highlights conflicts with MP George Adwan, revealing that Adwan, who controls the Deir al-Qamar municipality, blocked the conversion of Chamoun’s land near his home into a parking lot.

This led to confrontations between Chamoun's supporters and security forces, reportedly instigated by Adwan.

Camille Joseph Chamoun, secretary of the National Liberal Party, explained to Lebanon Debate that the land near Chamoun’s home in Deir al-Qamar was intended to be used as a parking lot for security reasons. However, the Deir al-Qamar municipality, which Chamoun criticizes as "ominous," obstructed the project despite the land being Chamoun’s property.

Chamoun reported that he encountered no legal documentation from the security forces and attributed the obstruction to Adwan’s influence. While Chamoun states he will not withdraw from the bloc, he acknowledges frustration with Adwan’s handling of the situation in Deir al-Qamar.

He emphasizes that the issue pertains specifically to Adwan’s policies and not the broader relationship with the Lebanese Forces party.

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