Without Hesitation: Gang Resumes Strikes Again
Fri 09 Aug 2024 - 13:05

“Lebanon Debate”

Without any hesitation, the gang mentioned in "Lebanon Debate" on Thursday, in an article titled “Crime Wave: Gang Steals Everything in Sight”, quickly resumed their activities and returned to the streets of Tripoli’s Zahrieh area early on Friday morning.

According to "Lebanon Debate", the gang re-entered Zahrieh at dawn, this time targeting parked cars rather than stealing from buildings. They vandalized several vehicles, attempting to steal car tires, iron barriers, and other items.

Residents, noticing the ongoing crime, became tense and confused, prompting the gang members to flee the scene, as they had done the previous day.

Reports suggest that the gang’s activity might be linked to power and generator outages in the area at dawn. The repeated incidents within such a short time have fueled significant anger and frustration among the locals.

Car owners who were targeted have filed complaints with the security forces, who promptly responded and launched an investigation to determine the details of the situation.

!بسرعة البرق عاودت "العصابة" نشاطها... حالة من الغضب تسود مدينة لبنانية
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