Avoid “Superstitions”: A Major Earthquake in Turkey Remains a Possibility
Thu 08 Aug 2024 - 16:25

“Lebanon Debate”

Yesterday's earthquake in southern Turkey's Adana province, measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale, evoked memories of the severe quakes that devastated large parts of Turkey and Syria about a year and a half ago.

Dutch seismologist Frank Hogerpets has warned of the potential for another significant earthquake in Turkey, suggesting it could occur in the near term and describing August as a particularly dangerous month.

While Hogerpets' past predictions have drawn attention, skepticism remains as predicting exact earthquake timings scientifically is not feasible. The recent tremor has also heightened concern in Lebanon about possible similar repercussions.

Geologist Tony Nimr advises against succumbing to "superstitions" and emphasizes that while a major earthquake is possible, it should not be a source of undue fear. Nimr explains that Turkey, which is 75 times larger than Lebanon, is situated on an earthquake-prone fault line, making the occurrence of significant earthquakes plausible, though not guaranteed.

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