Crime Wave: Gang Steals Everything in Sight
Thu 08 Aug 2024 - 13:28

“Lebanon Debate”

In an unprecedented theft spree, a gang roamed the Zahria area in Tripoli, brazenly looting even iron obstacles from the streets. This alarming incident occurred in broad daylight, catching the attention of local residents who were shocked by the gang's audacity and efficiency.

According to "Lebanon Debate," the gang targeted the Zahrieh area and Schools Street, stealing everything they could find from water pumps inside buildings and car tires to iron obstacles and air conditioner compressors.

As locals began to notice the unusual activity, a sense of confusion and tension grew, prompting the gang members to flee the scene. The area remains on edge, with residents fearing another theft.

Several complaints have been filed, prompting security forces to investigate the incident. Authorities are actively searching for the gang members to arrest and question them.

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