Tensions in Tripoli Escalate: Shooting Incident
Thu 08 Aug 2024 - 11:49

“Lebanon Debate”

The capital of the north is enduring a persistent state of tension due to the chaos caused by uncontrolled weapons, which threaten the security and safety of its citizens. Hardly a day goes by without a new security incident in Tripoli, ranging from looting and shooting to attacks and more. Recently, a new security incident was reported in the Abou Samra area.

According to "Lebanon Debate," a dispute between individuals identified as Q.S and A.H. escalated into gunfire. The latter reportedly fired a weapon at Q.S., injuring him with a gunshot to the foot.

The injured man was taken to Al-Shifa Hospital in Tripoli for treatment, where his condition was reported as stable. Meanwhile, the shooter managed to flee the scene and is currently at large.

The incident appears to be the result of ongoing provocations between the two parties, which have now escalated into an armed confrontation.

Security forces have arrived at the scene and are investigating the circumstances of the incident. They are also working to locate and apprehend the shooter for questioning.

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