Hezbollah’s Message: Three Possible Scenarios
Wed 07 Aug 2024 - 16:31

“Lebanon Debate”

Since the assassination of Hamas' political bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in Iran, and the killing of Hezbollah’s Commander Fouad Shokr in the southern suburbs of Beirut, the situation has been marked by anticipation. The focus is now on the expected response to Israel, with speculation about the scale and consequences of the potential retaliation. In this context, attention was drawn to the recent speech by Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah.

Political analyst Dr. Qassem Kassir, in an interview with "Lebanon Debate," explained that "Nasrallah's speech affirmed that preparations for a response to the Israeli aggression in Lebanon and Iran are ongoing." He noted that "the response could come from the Resistance fronts collectively or individually."

Regarding timing, Kassir mentioned that "Nasrallah did not specify when or how the response would occur," but emphasized that "Nasrallah conveyed a clear message to the Israelis: if the conflict escalates, Hezbollah has the capability to inflict significant damage on Israeli infrastructure and strategy."

Kassir outlined three possible scenarios for how events might unfold:
1. A coordinated response from Hezbollah, Iran, and resistance forces, followed by a limited Israeli retaliation, leading to an end to hostilities.
2. An escalation into a full-scale war, where the conflict becomes open and extensive.
3. Diplomatic developments, potentially leading to a ceasefire in Gaza, which could alter the dynamics significantly.

Kassir also addressed Hamas' appointment of Yahya Sinwar as its president, interpreting it as a response to Haniyeh's assassination. He suggested this move underscores Hamas' unity and readiness for all potential outcomes, whether continued escalation or a ceasefire.

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