The Situation is Both Sensitive and Critical
Wed 07 Aug 2024 - 14:31

“Lebanon Debate”

MP Fadi Alama underscored the importance of collective efforts to deter Israel and halt its aggressive actions against Lebanon. He highlighted that no one currently has the ability to control Israeli criminality, but Lebanon remains committed to diplomatic solutions and contributes positively toward their success.

Alama echoed Speaker Nabih Berri’s recent statement, emphasizing that the current situation is both sensitive and critical, necessitating heightened national unity among all Lebanese to confront Israeli threats and safeguard Lebanon.

He also recalled the recent meetings organized by the Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Committee. These meetings, which involved various diplomatic missions and UN organizations, addressed the human, health, urban, agricultural, and environmental damages caused by Israeli attacks. They also stressed the need for the careful implementation of Resolution 1701.

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