Violence Erupts in Northern Capital Over Dispute
Wed 07 Aug 2024 - 13:42

“Lebanon Debate”

The recurring pattern of unrest continues in the northern capital, where residents experience little respite from escalating issues that swiftly turn violent, often involving gunfire or stabbings. Recent events in Tripoli exemplify the rampant impunity in the area.

According to "Lebanon Debate," a conflict erupted between two individuals, identified as S.H. and Z.A., near the entrance to the Beddawi camp. The altercation quickly escalated when Z.A. stabbed S.H. in the abdomen, necessitating hospitalization. S.H.'s condition has been described as stable but serious.

The situation worsened when S.H.'s son, angered by the incident, gathered a group of friends to confront Z.A.. They assaulted him before fleeing into the camp.

Further escalation occurred when Z.A., roughly half an hour after the attack, fired shots indiscriminately at the camp entrance, expressing his frustration. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, thanks to sheer luck.

The dispute reportedly originated from a disagreement over a watermelon placed by Z.A. in front of S.H.'s shop, which ignited the violent confrontation.

Security forces have arrived at the scene, launched an investigation into the incident, and are actively pursuing those involved.

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