Provocative Flyers in Mansourieh
Wed 07 Aug 2024 - 12:21

The Progressive Socialist Party's internal agency in Choueifat- Khaldeh issued a statement saying:

"In a suspicious and transparently motivated move, provocative flyers were distributed in Marsousieh.

We are entrusting the security forces and agencies with identifying those responsible for distributing these inflammatory materials and holding them accountable through the judicial system. In response to these actions, we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to national solidarity in confronting the Israeli enemy and its projects."

Unknown individuals had distributed flyers featuring images of the victims of the Majdal Shams attack and the victims of the May 11 events in the mountain region, signed with the phrase: "We will avenge them."

مناشيرٌ "فتنوية" في الشويفات... و"التقدمي" يعلّق
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