"Wisdom and Intelligence of the Resistance" Determine the Timing of the Response
Wed 07 Aug 2024 - 11:15

“Lebanon Debate”

The primary question being discussed today, both domestically and internationally, is the timing of the Hezbollah's retaliation to the assassination of leader Fouad Shokr, a topic of much speculation in Lebanon and beyond.

Political analyst Mohamed Alloush connects the timing of Hezbollah's response to several key factors: strength, intelligence, and wisdom. He tells "Lebanon Debate" that the resistance is both "strong and wise," and that these qualities will influence both the objective and timing of any anticipated response.

According to Alloush, the recent marches in the last 24 hours are not related to the assassination of commander Fouad Shokr but are instead a swift reaction to an Israeli raid on Mifdon.

Alloush argues that statements from various U.S. officials and the Pentagon about the exact timing of the party's response to Shokr’s assassination, as well as Iran's response to the killing of Hamas political bureau head Ismail Haniyeh, have proven inaccurate. The expected responses did not materialize on the predicted dates, including those mentioned by President Donald Trump.

Regarding Iran's reaction, Alloush points out that the situation is highly “sensitive”, emphasizing that while a response is "very necessary," its aftermath is also crucial.

Alloush also notes that only Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be pushing for a full-scale regional war, unlike other parties involved.

When asked about Netanyahu’s objectives, Alloush explains that Israel aims to strike at U.S. through Iran. He suggests that Netanyahu has been working towards this goal since the onset of the Gaza war.

So, does a war scenario remain unlikely? Alloush indicates that while war requires escalating tensions, we are still in the early stages. He believes that a full-scale war is less probable than a series of reciprocal responses.

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