The Truth Behind Haniyeh’s Assassination Will be Revealed Soon
Tue 06 Aug 2024 - 16:40

“Lebanon Debate”

As the world anticipates Iran's response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, attention is shifting to who might succeed him as head of Hamas' political bureau. There have been reports suggesting that Khaled Meshaal could be a candidate for the position, though some argue that Meshaal's alignment with Iranian interests is questionable.

Mahmoud Taha, Hamas' media relations official in Lebanon, addressed these reports, dismissing them as attempts by certain individuals to stir up discord and create the illusion of internal strife within Hamas. He emphasized that Hamas operates as a constitutional Shura movement with established procedures for selecting its leaders. The decision on Haniyeh's successor will be made by the movement's leadership and Shura Council, and an official announcement will follow.

Regarding the timing of the leadership transition, Taha indicated that it might occur within the next few days or hours, depending on the conclusion of ongoing discussions and consultations. The process could be slightly delayed due to the current challenging circumstances facing Hamas.

On the topic of potential Israeli aggression against Lebanon, Taha assured that Hamas in Lebanon is prepared to respond if necessary. He stated that Hamas, as part of the Palestinian community in Lebanon, has the right to defend itself alongside the Lebanese people and their resistance forces.

He noted ongoing coordination with various Palestinian resistance groups in Lebanon to prepare for any possible future aggression.

محاولات لإثارة البلبلة ... خليفة هنية يعلن قريباً!

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