Batroun Shaken by a New Crime
Tue 06 Aug 2024 - 16:24

"Lebanon Debate"

While the use of firearms has become routine amid the security chaos affecting many regions, Lebanese citizens now find themselves at the mercy of those who flout the law, with the absence of security forces and the worsening economic and social conditions in government institutions.

According to "Lebanon Debate" sources, a conflict in Batroun district quickly escalated into a shooting incident when G.M. shot KH.CH., hitting him directly in the chest. The wounded man, who was in critical condition, was rushed to the hospital but soon succumbed to his injuries.

The sources confirmed that the conflict arose from family disputes between the two men.

Security forces arrived at the scene, established a security cordon, and are currently searching for the shooter, who fled the area while Investigations have been initiated with the victim's relatives and the shooter to gather more details about the incident.

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