MP Draws Closer to Lebanese Forces
Tue 06 Aug 2024 - 15:12

“Lebanon Debate”

Many observers noted MP Adib Abdel Masih’s presence at the "Lebanese Forces" mass in Ashrafieh, marking the tragedy 4th of August. His attendance has sparked speculation about a potential rapprochement between him and the Lebanese Forces Party, leading some to question whether he might join the "Strong Republic" bloc in Parliament.

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, MP Adib Abdel Masih confirmed that there is indeed a rapprochement with the Lebanese Forces Party. However, he emphasized that this relationship is not new. He views both his own bloc and the Lebanese Forces as part of the broader opposition.

He clarified that his presence at the Holy Mass commemorating the Beirut port explosion was a normal event, given that many political figures attended. He explained that he had been unable to attend the Sunday gathering for the port explosion due to health reasons, making his participation in the mass the following day essential.

Abdel Masih stressed that there is no significant new development in his relationship with the Lebanese Forces Party. He attributed the speculation to media exaggeration rather than any substantial shift in alliances.

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