Fares Souaid: Huge Price Will be Paid
Tue 06 Aug 2024 - 13:29

“Lebanon Debate”

Amid escalating fears of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, former MP Fares Souaid expresses concerns about Lebanon's situation. He emphasizes that while there are widespread anxieties about the possibility of war, the primary concern should be to protect Lebanon from the broader regional conflicts.

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, Souaid highlighted that small, fragmented entities, which lack effective state management, are often the ones that suffer the most in international conflicts. He stresses the urgency of saving Lebanon, noting that, as of now, there seems to be no concerted effort to address the country's dire situation. The paralysis of the parliament, the absence of a functioning government, and the inability of Lebanese parties and opposition groups to counteract Hezbollah’s dominance are critical issues.

In light of the dangerous regional developments, Souaid advocates for the formation of a national salvation body, similar to those created by President Elias Sarkis in 1982 and President Fouad Siniora in 2006. This body would aim to prioritize Lebanese interests amidst regional upheavals and unify forces dedicated to Lebanon's preservation. Souaid calls for collective action to address Lebanon’s critical challenges and ensure its future stability.

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