Nasrallah's Upcoming Speech: No Reassurance for the Enemy
Tue 06 Aug 2024 - 11:42

“Lebanon Debate”

The phrase “Before the Nasrallah’s word is not the same as after it” has been circulating among many Lebanese for the past three days as they await Nasrallah’s response to the assassination of Fouad Shokr, a senior leader in Hezbollah.

While various analyses predict the content and implications of the speech, sources familiar with the party’s atmosphere reported to Lebanon Debate that the speech will be a crucial moment in shaping future developments. It is expected to increase, rather than ease, the enemy’s concerns, as Nasrallah is likely to maintain a high level of pressure.

The speech is anticipated to last over an hour and fifteen minutes. It will begin by highlighting Shokr’s significant contributions over 30 years, including his strategic and leadership roles, while avoiding sensitive details about his actions.

Nasrallah will emphasize that support for the Resistance continues strong, despite the assassination. He will address the need for a decisive response without triggering a broad war and will discuss strategies to maintain high tension against Israel.

He will also call for a ceasefire in Gaza to halt Hezbollah’s support, aligning with other supportive fronts. However, the response to Shokr’s assassination will be inevitable and not limited to specific targets or locations. The resistance is carefully planning the goal, timing, and geography of its response.

Internal political issues will not be addressed in this speech, as the focus will remain solely on operational and strategic matters given the current situation.

!لن يطمئن العدو... إليكم ما سيقوله نصر الله اليوم

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