Israel Prepares to Move North
Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 16:45

The spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces, Avichay Adraee, stated that the Northern Command Chief addressed the Golani Brigade fighters, saying: "When the time comes and we begin the attack, it will be decisive and conclusive. Our support comes from the people who stand behind us, while our faces and rifles are directed towards the enemy."

He continued, "This week, Commander Gordon visited the Golani Brigade's combat team, accompanied by the brigade commander and other leaders. They spoke with the brigade commanders engaged in defensive battles in the central sector along the Lebanese border, under the command of the Galilee Division for the past five months."

Adraee added, "The Golani Brigade works daily to protect the towns of Upper Galilee and prepare for an offensive by closely collaborating with local defense units and conducting joint field operations with artillery and air force units. This has resulted in the elimination of dozens of elements and targeting the infrastructure of Hezeb in southern Lebanon."

The Northern Command Chief stated: "We are committed to changing the security situation here in the north. All residents of Metula and the entire north will be able to return to their homes."

He further noted, "We have already eliminated over 500 elements in Lebanon, most of them from Hezeb and destroyed thousands of infrastructure facilities."

"قضينا على 500 عنصر"... اسرائيل تستعدّ للانتقال إلى الهجوم في الشمال

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