Mario Passes Away, Leaving a Void in the Hearts of His Fans
Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 15:54

“Lebanon Debate”

On Friday, the town of Kobayaat in Akkar was met with devastating news that extinguished the hope of its residents. Mario Hamwi, who suffered an electric shock a week ago in the town square, has passed away.

Mario, a young man from Akkar, had been battling for his life since the incident. After the shock, he was initially transferred by the Lebanese Red Cross to Hopital Notre Dame De La Paix for urgent treatment, where his condition was deemed critical.

As his health continued to decline, Mario was transferred by military helicopter, accompanied by a doctor, to Geitaoui Hospital in Beirut. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, Mario succumbed to his severe injuries.

The town of Kobayaat mourns the loss of Mario, who was deeply loved and respected by its residents. His passing has left a significant void in the community.

بعد أسبوع من المعاناة... ماريو رحل تاركاً غصّة في قلوب محبّيه! (صور)
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