Tension and Alert: Raids and Arrests in Beddawi Camp
Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 14:43

“Lebanon Debate”

The Beddawi camp is experiencing heightened tension as the Joint Security Forces conducts raids aimed at apprehending individuals involved in recent security incidents within the camp. These events have significantly worsened the security situation.

According to reports, strict measures are being enforced to ensure that violators and those responsible for security breaches are held accountable, in an effort to maintain the camp's security.

The raids, which began early this morning, have resulted in several arrests. In response, the camp's entrances and exits have been closed, and a heightened state of alert has been declared to prevent potential disputes or issues.

Tension is high in the Beddawi camp, with concerns about the potential for renewed clashes and new injuries. Previous incidents have involved the use of military weapons, missiles, and bombs, posing a serious threat to the camp's residents.

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