Boustani: This is a Scandal
Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:30

Member of Strong Lebanon MP Nada Boustani wrote yesterday on X: "The decision by the Court of Accounts to renew the expired contract for MEP to operate the Zouk and Jiyeh factories is a scandalous development that raises serious doubts about the effectiveness of oversight and monitoring institutions."

She continued : "The scandal is compounded by the fact that the Court has not held the company accountable for the millions of dollars paid without any maintenance or operation of the factories. This decision establishes a fait accompli that could be used to renew many government contracts without tenders, undermining a fundamental principle of the Public Procurement Law."

Boustani concluded, "Finally, we await the opinion of investigative journalists Riyad Kobaissi and Hadi Al-Amin on this scandal, unless their commitment to fighting corruption stops at the doors of the boss!"

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