Controversy and Clarification Surrounding Tragic Child's Death
Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 16:31

“Lebanon Debate”

Following widespread social media reports last Tuesday evening about the death of the child R.C.K. in Zgharta district, after falling from a balcony, medical discussions initially suggested suspicions of rape before the fall.

Amid growing outrage in Lebanon, particularly in the north, Lebanon Debate learned that Judge Ghassan Bassil, the Attorney General of the north, appointed a new forensic doctor. After examining the body, this doctor confirmed no signs of sexual assault, contradicting earlier forensic opinions.

Further complicating the situation, one of the initial forensic doctors, N.A., retracted their report suggesting assault. Additionally, amidst allegations of drug use by the child's father, subsequent tests revealed no narcotics in his system.

Following these developments, Judge Bassil received and sealed the new forensic report, depositing it with the concerned Tripoli judicial authorities for further action.

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