Opposition's Initiative: New Steps Under Consideration
Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 15:18

“Lebanon Debate”

MP Ashraf Rifi has highlighted the political standoff over the presidential file, noting that the Opposition has proposed a new roadmap aimed at breaking the current deadlock.

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, Rifi expressed disappointment that “their initiative was dismissed by the Shiite Duo without consideration of its content”, emphasizing its potential to alleviate Lebanon's crisis.

He indicates that "after the exposure of the resistance that seeks domination and does not believe in partnership, I have decided to urge the Opposition forces to declare civil disobedience and transition to a different stage in dealing with those who refuse to be equal partners in one homeland. Therefore, this decision is currently under consideration by the Opposition."

Regarding the opposition's petition for a parliamentary session to discuss ongoing conflicts, Rifi described it as a significant national call awaiting Speaker Nabih Berri's response. While acknowledging constitutional and parliamentary procedure, Rifi expressed skepticism about whether Berri would convene the session, highlighting potential challenges in establishing state logic.

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