Security Incursion Escalates in Northern Lebanon
Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 14:07

“Lebanon Debate”

Lebanon Debate learned about disturbing incident where individuals, including A.R. and his brother aided by friends, intercepted a patrol from the Berkayel gendarmerie station during the night at the junction near al-Qarqaf Public School.

The group allegedly threw stones and fired shots at the patrol vehicle before fleeing the scene. Thankfully, there were no injuries reported on either side.

The situation escalated further when several women, purportedly relatives of A.R., attacked the gendarmerie station, alleging mistreatment of their relatives and verbally abusing the personnel inside.

Authorities are actively pursuing the perpetrators involved in the attack to bring them to justice and initiate investigations into the incident.

!الأمن يتدحرج شمالاً... اعتراض دورية والإشتباك معها
انضم الى قناة "Spot Shot by Lebanon Debate" على يوتيوب الان، اضغط هنا
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