MP Criticizes Military Court Proceedings as Political Farce
Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 13:17

“Lebanon Debate”

MP Bilal Abdallah from the Democratic Gathering has strongly criticized the ongoing judicial actions in Haret al-Naameh, warning against disrupting civil peace and creating an atmosphere of retaliation.

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, Abdallah expressed concern over a month-long investigation by military court judges into a shooting incident, which he claims lacks substantial evidence and has resulted in arbitrary arrests based on phone records related to a licensed weapon transfer.

The MP accused the judges involved of negligence and malicious practices, calling for an end to what he perceives as a political farce. He emphasized the importance of maintaining judicial integrity and urged the judiciary to uphold its impartiality amidst growing concerns of politicization.

In conclusion, Abdallah appealed to the judiciary to focus solely on its judicial duties and avoid being drawn into political agendas that could tarnish its reputation.

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