Security Incident in Northern Lebanon Under Investigation
Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 12:05

“Lebanon Debate”

In light of the security concerns in northern Lebanon, "Lebanon Debate" has learned that unidentified individuals on a motorcycle opened fire early Thursday towards a person known as D.A. in Koura district, before fleeing to an undisclosed location.

Reports indicate that D.A. sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was subsequently transported by private vehicle to Hospital Haykal for treatment, where his condition was described as moderate.

Although the exact motive behind the shooting remains unclear, sources suggest it may have stemmed from prior disputes between the assailants and D.A., culminating in the violent incident early this morning.

Security forces launched an investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident and are actively pursuing the perpetrators for arrest and interrogation.

!بعدّة طلقات نارية... نفّذا عمليّتهما وفرّا
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